miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Learning English with Adverts: "Nespresso, What else?"

Hi there!

We've sometimes talked about Nespresso adverts in class. It's not only an opportunity to see George Clooney in action,  but also a useful way to learn a little English while you're watching TV. Why not? Have a look at the two most recent adverts: In Heaven (part I) and The Taxi (part II). Have fun and see how much English you can understand without the help of subtitles!!

7 comentarios:

  1. Yeeeeeeessss...!
    I think are the best spots that exist for ever and never. haha^^

  2. yes! my mother loves this advert because is very funy :D

  3. This is form very funny of drink coffe ! jaja

  4. My brother met the girl who said "your machine, sr". He said that she is really pretty but... tiny silly sometimes.

    About the advert, is good and funny ;D

    Maybe George Clooney have buy a lot of machines already

  5. This really is a good publicity
    P. S. My mother thinks that George Clooney has made a pact with the devil because he is very good for his age. Hahaha ...

  6. i think the world will finish when george drinks his coffee, not in 2012 hhahahaa xD
    I feel so sorry for him, he always lose his nespresso! hahaha
    nice advert!

  7. JAJAJjajajajajjajajaj you are a very original Paqui of it precisely he was speaking with my mother this morning when we were eating everything it is in English enclosed in the announcements of television so or you learn it or in this world these lost
